Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Song of the Golden Dragon

For the holiday, a brilliant, impassioned performance by Estas Tonne. Born in the Soviet Ukraine - along with, quite possibly, a guitar in his arms - he is (as of this century) a traveler, a troubadour and a street-musician (as can be seen in his video above).

For further information regarding Estas Tonne: his website and YouTube page.

(A special thanks to John for the heads-up!)

(Note 1/10/23: the accompanying article - regarding the goddess Hygeia - which originally appeared here is being revised and given a new post URL).


  1. Beautiful music to accompany your words. One must assume the incense in the guitar neck is to placate and honor the goddess. Oddly enough, I just read "The Pot Thief Who Studied Pythagoras" last night. Superb post as always! Thank you!

  2. Thank you, BG. You'll have to tell me all about "The Pot Thief"!

    As for the post, I think now, although my initial intentions were good, I should have let the video stand on it's own. And, I still might. Estas Tonne is amazing... but the esoterica really belongs in the Phi series... it isn't really holiday fare.

    What a weird year it's been!
